
[2019춘계] 군집 무인수상정 자율이동을 위한 계층적 제어

논문저자천승재. 서주노, 김종화


간행물명2019춘계 학술대회



키워드USV, Swarm, Autonomous, Sliding mode, Lyapunov, Potential field

첨부파일 9.군집 무인수상정 자율이동을 위한 계층적 제어.pdf

Abstract : This paper presents an autonomous navigation algorithm for an unmanned surface vehicle swarm(USV swarm). For the control of surge force and yaw moment of each USVs separately, the sliding model control, which is proven stable by Lyapunov stability function, is used. Also, for avoiding collision among USV swarm, the potential field is applied as the way of providing necessary angle to turn. In order to verify the performance of the presented algorithm, the waypoint tracking simulation was performed.